The concept of the Metaverse has been dominating headlines over the last year. For many, it’s un-clear that it will be the future of the internet, where people’s digital and personal lives will fuse together. However, for marketing teams, the Metaverse represents an incredible opportunity to connect with a new audience.
Data streams are always continuous. It’s not just enough for CDP to ingest all the incoming data, but also analyze it in real-time. A CDP is constantly monitoring all the incoming numbers in real-time. These numbers can be analyzed for patterns and trends, and the probability that an event will happen in a specific location at a specific time.A CDP without real-time support cannot deal with unstructured data and can only do what it’s programmed to do. But a full-fledged CDP with all bells and whistles structures the data on-the-fly and makes mince-meat out of the job of analyzing the numbers.